Visit us in Essen (Germany) !

Visit us in Essen

Our shop is located in the middle of the Ruhr area in the city of Essen (Germany). Here you can explore our assortment on over 200 square meters. All products that are shown as in stock in the online shop can be viewed live here. Furthermore, you will find a lot of new products or special offers that are not yet online.

dark ages logo

Our opening hours in Essen:

Mo. - Sa.: bis

Why don't you take a look inside and poke around in our dark world...

Your Dark Ages Team

Dark Ages
Rottstr. 10
45127 Essen
+49 (0)201 / 559 718 6

der Sockensarg
Blick aus der hinteren Ecke
In der Finsternis
Schuhe und Stiefel

Arrival by train:

Get off at Essen main station and go out through the main entrance. Then go straight on through the pedestrian zone (approx. 1km) until it is interrupted by a street (there are arches over the street). Turn left up the street which makes a bend to the right. After about 200m you will see our shop on the right hand side (you can recognize it by a big sign with the inscription "Dark Ages" above the shop window - see picture). 


Dark Ages, Rottstraße 10, 45127 Essen

If you can't find us, you can ask for the following places, which are in the immediate surroundings: GOP Variety Theatre, Kreuzeskirche (Church of the Cross).